Sunday, May 12, 2013

My development plan! Also, a sketch!

Sorry about the lack of updates, blog! I've mostly just been trying to get back on top of everything, as I usually am, admittedly. I've been having stamina issues, meaning usually I'm not particularly productive after getting back from work, but I think daily exercise should take care of that issue! I'm trying to run at least half an hour a day, preferably in the morning before work. I'm also going to try and give myself a designated lazy-day, maybe on Wednesdays, where I can just sleep and do stuff as much as I want. One of my major problems has always been this tendency to have these spells of hyper-productivity followed by long periods of burnout. I think having a day where I know I can just kick back and relax will prove beneficial to my productivity in the long run, because it provides me with a weekly moment to recharge. I think it'll help me become more balanced, in addition to the exercise.

As for my current plan regarding the game, I'm kind of off-schedule at the moment. By this time I should be making concept art for the game, and finished with some kind of prototype. Admittedly during the past few weeks I've mostly been ruminating further on the story and sketching possible designs for the main character. Oh, I've also ruminated on how she might see the world and the kinds of underlying beliefs and ways of thinking that would drive her approach to life. After seeing the sheer amount of work that is going into my current project at work, I honestly doubt I'll be able to finish my current game before the start of fall semester. At any rate, I'm probably going to just ditch my current block schedule and just wing it for now. For the next few days, I'll be mapping out the mechanics of the game, so I can break different parts of the game into separate prototypes that can still be integrated easily into the main game. I honestly just do better when I have everything mapped and planned out; I'm actually a bit in hot water at work at the moment, because my code has gotten so messy. Since I need to remap and reorganize all my code for work anyways, I may as well do the same for this current game of mine.

Here are the boring steps I'll be taking to plan out how I'll tackle the game's development: haha, sorry if it doesn't make much sense. I'll probably explain what each step means later.

A   - Higher-level game map
B   - Module identification
C1 - Detailed feature mapping/ expansion
C2 - Priority denotation
D   - Tool creation consideration
E   - Feature parts breakdown
F   - Classes Map
G   - Task list

Anyways, have a concept sketch I made some time ago. I've been looking into birds associated with the morning like the lark and the american robin, as well as looking into winter fashion and fashion icons in general. I feel like the clothes I give my protagonists are limited by my own lack of knowledge, and I'm hoping that expanding my repertoire will allow me to design costumes that better reflect and augment my characters' personalities.

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