I am currently a graduate student at NEU working under the professor who basically led me to switch to game development, and on her third year on this project idea of hers. I am currently in Boston now, where I am sure to be enveloped in a deluge of inspiration for the current game concept. There are many feelings, observations, concepts I want to express and many potential experiences I want to generate and explore with other people. I want to discover and generate these experiences and share these novel, fascinating things. I feel, that at heart, I am a storyteller, because of this inherent desire to express and share, and I find the malleable, untapped potential of games a limitless source of creative exploration. I am secondly a truth-seeker, someone who wants to get at the heart of things and really understand its tenets and origins. I hope to continue to witness the emergence of whole new experiences in this medium, and to generate some myself.
During the project's inception:
"I am a Computational Media Student from Georgia Tech who has recently discovered that her passion may lay in a medium other than the field of animation she'd yearned to enter for so long. I've long-hated group projects, always finding myself disappointed in the end product and finding the process of collaboration tiring and full of compromise. Nevertheless I've always enjoyed group projects involved in game-making, and that I enjoy the coding more than I do the art-making! The act of coding itself is so enjoyable that regardless of the end-result, I am more than happy and satisfied with the experience. This enjoyment has led me to more seriously consider a new path in game-making, and to challenge myself to finish games on my own to see how deep this new-found interest potentially runs."
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